Here is a Computer that can be both a Friend & a Teacher to your Child! This Perfect Companion can keep the Child Occupied in 20 Different ways. It not only assists in Learning New Words and Letters, but it also gives tests to gauge the knowledge gained.
It is a fun friend to have around, as it Plays Games, Melodies and Colors the Childs world by teaching them to draw and color. This is the perfect blend.
Step 1 - Learn Alphabets:
- Learn to recognize and pronounce Alphabets
- Differentiate between Capital and Small Letters
- Find the letter. Here the laptop speaks out a particular letter and the child needs to identify the correct letter by punching it on the keyboard
- Learn to spell and pronounce
- Take spelling tests
- Learn to identify pictures
- Learn the correct pronunciation and spelling of numbers -Learn to write the numbers
- Numbers identification Visual
- Number identification verbal
- Play melodies
- Play musical notes
- Recognize musical notes visual and verbal
- Catch falling objects
- Find the matching pair
- Star shooting
- Draw a picture
Warranty: Only 15 Days (From the date of delivery)
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